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Skin Science & Research

The Skin Microbiome: Understanding and Maintaining Balance for Optimal Skin Health

Find out how a diverse and balanced microbiome can play a critical role in maintaining skin health. 

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Why You Should Use a Face Oil

No matter your skin type, oils can provide multiple benefits by targeting the skin's lipid layer, assisting in the balancing of oil production, and restoring essential lipids.

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Benefits of Retinol

When it comes to preventing pre-mature ageing and repairing existing damage, most dermatologists agree that daily use of a retinoid or Vitamin A derivative is the key.

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Guide to Vitamin C

Discover the amazing benefits of vitamin C for your skin and find out which form of this powerful antioxidant is best suited to your skin type.

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Understanding how hyperpigmentation is formed, treated and prevented can guide you to make better decisions for your skin. 

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